Grow in Service


 In 2016 St. Joan of Arc will be a model of serving Christ in others.

Strategic Agenda

Over the next five years, we will:

A. Reach out to all parishioners to help them find a way to connect to SJA to serve and be served

B. Develop and implement a plan to review and assess the effectiveness of all relevant ministries and programs

C. Identify and serve unmet needs that exist in the greater community which are in alignment with the mission of St. Joan of Arc Church

D. Inspire SJA youth to be engaged in making a difference through faith in action


Our St. Joan of Arc Parish Discernment & Strategic Plan is now at the Implementation stage. The Goals and priorities have been identified, and at this time you can become informed by our Journey Forward’s Initiatives Priorities brochure, and choose how you can help create the St. Joan of Arc of the future!

Get involved for you, your children, your family, your Parish, your community… your God!

To do your part and make a difference please call: 561-952-2816 or email