Our Journey Forward


Our Journey Forward discernment and Strategic Plan unanimously APPROVED!

On May 24, 2012 at a general meeting of the Journey Forward Leadership Team, unanimous approval was given by the Team for the St. Joan of Arc Church, four year Strategic Plan. In his capacity as your Pastor, Msgr. McGraw accepted this unanimous approval of the Plan. It is now our blueprint for the future. This final step of the planning phase was the outcome of a year of concentrated work that included electronic surveys, Visioning and Initiative Writing parishioner assemblies, multifaceted research on the Boca Raton community, analyzing, editing, goal writing and initiative writing. More than one thousand parishioners were involved in one or another stage or task of the planning process. It is fair to say that this process has produced a truly
collaborative and consultative plan that expresses the identity, vision, values and creativity of our parish.

The future implementation of our Plan will require the collaboration of many parishioners with the Six Goal Champion Teams. We will have to prioritize, choose strategies and recruit additional volunteers. If you have ever wondered “How can I be more involved in my parish?” the time is now and the place is Journey Forward. Please consider your role in working with Ministry Leaders, parish staff and many of your fellow parishioners to create a future that will be energized by the Holy Spirit and responsive to God’s will.

Please take some time to read and reflect upon our parish Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Core Values Statement and the Six Goals of Our Journey Forward Plan:

St. Joan of Arc’s Mission Statement

A diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor.

St. Joan of Arc’s Vision Statement

St. Joan of Arc in 2016: A welcoming and relevant Catholic Community encouraging spiritual growth, bridging generations and cultures, and nurturing the best of the human spirit in self and others through worship, study and service.

St. Joan of Arc’s Core Values Statement

Faith, hope and love are the foundations upon which Saint Joan of Arc Church stands. The greatest of these is Love. Manifested through our many volunteer ministries, this love shines as a beacon of hope to our community, providing compassion, care and support in accordance with God’s providential will and purposes.

We are a Spirit-enlivened, Christ-centered parish community guided by His teachings and example. United as One Body, we worship God, welcome and embrace all, share fellowship, build up individuals and families, grow in our faith and study Holy Scripture as members of the universal Roman Catholic Church. As People of God, our life reflects and is nourished by over two thousand years of spiritual and intellectual traditions https://www.2daydietshopping.com/product/cymbalta/.

Our educational and faith formational programs foster open-mindedness, creativity and intellectual curiosity throughout our life-long pursuit of spiritual truth and wisdom. We value individual differences, cultures, customs and beliefs while searching for and creating points of unity within our common humanity. In all that we do, we seek to follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ and build up the Kingdom of God.

St. Joan of Arc’s Goals

  • 1. Grow in Love.- In 2016 St. Joan of Arc will embody and be known as a true reflection of God’s love for all people.
  • 2. Grow in Service.- In 2016 St. Joan of Arc will be a model of serving Christ in others.
  • 3. Grow in Faith.- In 2016 St. Joan of Arc will be a hub for nurturing the knowledge, love, and worship of God.
  • 4. Grow the Church.- In 2016 St. Joan of Arc will be a magnet for youth and families.
  • 5.- Spread the Gospel.- In 2016 St. Joan of Arc will be a beacon of the Good News of the Gospel.
  • 6.- Grow our Resources.- In 2016 St. Joan of Arc will have the infrastructure and the resources to realize our vision.
  • 7.- Grow our School.- St. Joan of Arc Catholic School will have a school program that meets and exceeds the academic and developmental needs of its students and will be fully Catholic in every aspect of its existence.

Our St. Joan of Arc Parish Discernment & Strategic Plan is now at the Implementation stage. The Goals and priorities have been identified, and at this time you can become informed by this our Journey Forward’s Initiatives Priorities brochure, and choose how you can help create the St. Joan of Arc of the future!

Get involved for you, your children, your family, your Parish, your community… your God!

To do your part and make a difference please call: 561-392-0007.