

On behalf of the pastor, parish staff and the family of St. Joan of Arc, we pray that this time in which you prepare for your marriage will be filled with holiness and joy and we trust that these guidelines will assist you in properly preparing for matrimony. Marriage is a sacrament and a vocation. Sacraments are signs of God’s presence among us. In marriage, couples are called to become signs of the never failing love that Christ has for his Church through the love they have for one another and those around them. As a vocation, a couple states that they feel called by God to be together for the rest of their life. Your parish priest or deacon considers it a privilege when asked to officiate at a wedding.

Parishioners of St. Joan of Arc should contact one of our priests/deacons six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. That allows sufficient time to carry out the various steps of the marriage preparation program. To avoid possible disappointment do not book your reception until you have confirmed date from your Church. We require that all paperwork for your wedding be finalized at least two months prior to your wedding.

*** Please note that either the bride, the groom or one of their parents must be an active, participating, registered St. Joan of Arc Church parishioner for at least 6 months before the wedding date may be set.

Required Documents

The priest/deacon of St. Joan of Arc will complete the Diocesan pre-nuptial inquire forms with each couple. You are required to provide the following additional documents:

  1. Baptismal Certificate with all notations issued within the last six months. This should be acquired from your Church of Baptism.
  2. If previously married, a copy of the decree of nullity issued by the Church; if your previous spouse is deceased, a certificate of death. The documents are needed to establish your freedom to marry again within the Church.
  3. Those under 19 years of age must adhere strictly to all Diocesan norms in regard to parental permission.
  4. A marriage license is an absolute requirement for marriage in this state. Before your celebration of marriage can begin, the celebrant must have this license in his possession. For more information, please contact the Office of the County Clerk.

Wedding Preparation
Wedding Preparation Ministry Director:
Laura Watzek, 561-952-2854 |

Engaged Encounter
Married couples and a Priest/Deacon make presentations to engaged couples preparing for marriage. This program is required for all engaged couples.

Fully Engaged (Pre-Marital Preparation)
Deacon Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 |
Laura Watzek, 561-952-2854 |
A confidential preparation of the engaged couple for the reception of the Sacrament of Matrimony by trained married couples from the parish.

Click here for more information on the sacrament of Holy Matrimony


For additional information on Wedding Preparation you can call Laura Watzek at 561-952-2854.
