
Confession is a common name for the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance–one of the 7 Sacraments. Reconciliation, the act of telling your sins to a priest, is just one of four parts of the Sacrament.

Contrition: feeling sorrow for our sins
Confession: telling our sins to God through a priest
Absolution: receiving God’s forgiveness through the ministry of the priest
Satisfaction: performing an act of penance

Reconciliation means coming together again. By confessing our sins, we’re offered a chance to reestablish our relationship with God. As one of the seven Sacraments, Reconciliation is a key step in coming closer to God through the body of the Church. For those who seek and accept God’s grace through the Church, Reconciliation or Confession is a necessary part of religious belief and involvement.

For more information about how children can make First Reconciliation,
please call the Religious Education Office at 561-391-4345.
For Adult First Reconciliation, please call Deacon Bill Watzek at 561-952-2828.