Funds that Support a Catholic Education at St. Joan of Arc
These funds were created to give donors the opportunity to enhance and enrich the legacy of Faith Formation through the strong foundation that a Catholic Education provides.
St. Joan of Arc
Tuition Assistance Fund
Donations to the St. Joan of Arc Tuition Assistance Fund will help assist students currently enrolled in St. Joan of Arc Catholic School.
Tuition Assistance Fund:
Donors are able to make a contribution of any amount with the knowledge that they are helping a child at St. Joan of Arc. This assistance is targeted for existing students whose families have had a substantial change in their financial status since enrolling the student in the school. These funds are used within 36 months of the donation.
Scholarship Fund:
Donations of $1,000 and up can be contributed to either a need based or academically based scholarship. Academically based scholarships would be awarded to students for excellence in specific programs such as Math, Science, Sports or the Arts. The gifts can be established for as many years as the donor would like and the principal amount of the gift will be used as directed.
St. Joan of Arc Sisters of Mercy Scholarship: was created to honor all of the Sisters who selflessly gave of themselves for over 60 years to educate generations of young Catholic students at St. Joan of Arc School. This Scholarship will continue the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy by providing scholarships to qualifying students, making St. Joan of Arc’s dynamic and instrumental Catholic formation, and its superior academic program, accessible to more children. Today, with your generosity, we will continue to honor our past, embrace our present, and chart our future with drive and determination.
School Legacy Endowment Fund
Donations to the Endowment assist the school now and in the future. The donations are invested and the income from these investments is used to insure the long term viability of St. Joan of Arc Catholic School. Gifts to the Endowment fund have no minimum requirement and can be in the form of cash, stocks, annuities or any other tangible asset. The Endowment income is targeted for use in one of the following areas
Targeted Support Fund:
A donation to the Targeted Support Fund allows donors to select how they would like their gift used. Donors may support programs such as Arts, Athletics, English, Language, Math, Science, and Technology. The gifts can be used for direct support such as musical instruments or lab equipment as well as traditional scholarships.
The School Legacy Endowment Fund:
As Stewards of the school, it is imperative that the parish maintain adequate investments to insure that the school will be passed to each future generation alive and healthy. This will require us to make ongoing investments in its faculty, its programs and in its infrastructure. Additionally, we must make sure that the cost of a Catholic Education at SJA remains affordable to the people of our parish community. Income from this fund will be used in a way that is consistent with these objectives.
If you would like to name a scholarship or if you have any questions about any of these tuition assistance or scholarship funds, please contact Nicole Iapaluccio at 561-392-7974 or by e-mail to