(KA) Mrs. Theresa McConnell has been an educator at SJA since 2004 and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Florida in Tampa. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Ronco was the Reading Specialist for many years at SJA.
(KB) Mrs. Theresa Adler has been an educator since 1979 and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education from Framingham State University, in Framingham, Massachusetts. Ms. Adler’s son attended and graduated from St. Joan of Arc Catholic School.
Daily Prayer: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Spontaneous Prayer, Role Play, Scripture Stories, Religious Knowledge Questions # 1-3, Parable: The Good Samaritan and school Liturgies.
The Kindergarten Program at St. Joan of Arc is a value oriented one based on Catholic beliefs, which integrates prayer, liturgy, service, social skills and academic skills. The learning styles, needs, and abilities of the individual child are priorities in our developmentally appropriate curriculum. We believe in a child centered active learning environment for the young child. The young child is filled with energy, curious about life, ready to discover and be actively involved in his/her learning. We believe that children should initiate their own learning experiences with supportive adults. These adults strive daily to nourish, trust and build confidence required for each healthy learning experience. Through daily planning and evaluation sessions, adults create the conditions for children’s active learning and generate strategies to challenge children’s emerging abilities. Our goal is to work with parents to provide many and varied opportunities for the child to develop spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively as a total person.
• Retreat
• Active Learning
• Critical Thinking
• Socialization Skills
• Problem Solving
• Independent Skills
• Following Directions
• Technology integrated in hands on learning
• Learning to read
• Math Skills
• Social Science Skills
• Writing Skills
• Art & Motor Skill
• Religion – We Believe Series by Sadlier – Logos Worship Scripture. Daily Prayer: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Spontaneous Prayer, Role Play, Scripture Stories, Religious Knowledge Questions # 1-3, Parable: The Good Samaritan and school Liturgies.
• Language Arts/Reading – The Super Kids Reading Program – Whole Language – Big Books Journeys Reading series & Journeys Reader’s Notebook Students work on weekly Dolch sight words at school and at home.
• Language Arts: We expand and integrate knowledge and vocabulary through lessons by letters, letter sounds, decoding/blending reading, comprehension and numerous auditory and visual skills. *Journeys Writing Handbook and writing short sentences. The Language Arts Program is enhanced by weekly visits to the Media Center. Books are checked out and the Media Specialists reads stories with the students and does follow-up reading comprehension discussion and activities. Interactive lessons on the Smart Board.
• Math – Mathematics in Progress by Sadlier-Oxford and numerous manipulatives
• Math: Numbers to 30, graphing, problem solving, solid and plane figures, patterns, comparisons, same number, more and few, one to one correspondence, collecting data, counting, printing numbers, estimating, geometry and fractions, measuring, counting by twos/fives/tens, addition, simple subtraction, comparing lengths, Mass, how full, time, left vs. right and money. Differentiated math instruction is enhanced via the online math program called Mathletics both as centers at school and practice at home. Interactive lessons on the Smart Board.
• Social Studies –Our World, Now & Long Ago by Harcourt – Scholastic Let’s Find Out, Brain Pop Jr.
• Social Studies: Being a good citizen, my country, community helpers, where we live, past and present time, taking responsibility, following rules, map and globe skills, making a choice by voting, symbols of the United States, our leaders, American Holidays, biographies, goods around the world, city and farm life, regions, and change over time.
• Science – MacMillian Units, Mystery Science
• Science: The five senses, weather, matter and energy, simple machines, solar system, health & nutrition, our body, animals, and ocean life. –Mini lab science experiments (i.e. how salt melts ice, float or sink…) Kindergarten students are also invited to our Family Science Nights.
• Physical Education: Daily and once a week by PE teachers. Fine and gross motor skills, games, PE in the gym, and equipment on the playground.
• Music: Daily and once a week by music teacher. Music/Movement, creative expression in song, dance, and rhythm and playing instruments.
• Art – Daily and once a week taught by art teacher. Painting, clay, play dough, cutting, gluing, drawing growing crystals, glitter, 3-D art, oil pastels, and allowing the young artist to freely express themselves through art.
• Extra-Curricular Activities – Daisies, Angel Choir, Irish Step Dancing, Drama, Ballet (ballet is offered during the school day once a week –the program is sponsored by a donor and only an end-of- the-year recital fee is charged), Mandarin Chinese, Creative Culinary, Soccer, and Pottery.
• Spanish – Taught by the Spanish teacher.
• Interactive BenQ Board
• iPads