Coat of Arms Society


We invite you to join the Coat of Arms Society which encourages and recognizes the annual financial support necessary to ensure the strength of the St. Joan of Arc Community.

You will become a distinguished patron of our mission which states:

“As a diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor with steadfast faith, confident hope and passionate love.”

The Coat of Arms Society

When you become a member of the Coat of Arms Society you are following in the graceful and powerful footsteps of St. Joan of Arc whose life was devoted to protecting her beliefs. There are three levels of membership and each one comes with its own unique list of member benefits.

The Order of the Crown includes members of our St. Joan of Arc family
who contribute gifts of $10,000 or more annually.

The Order of the Sword includes members of our St. Joan of Arc family
who contribute gifts of $5,000 to $9.999 annually.

The Order of the Fleur de Lis includes members of our St. Joan of Arc family
who contribute gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 annually.

Note: Weekly offertory contributions and other individual gifts count toward
membership in the Coat of Arms Society.

Thank you for considering this invitation to join a Coat of Arms Society. You may use the secure giving website available at Giving Button, or give by phone by calling Mary Jane Sullivan at 561.952.2818. If you plan to count your current giving toward your Society membership, Mary Jane will help you achieve your goal.

We are grateful to our Coat of Arms Members who annually give gladly to the work of the Lord!