My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Your faithful support of the Diocesan Services Appeal, both prayerfully and financially, allows the Diocese of Palm Beach to fulfill the Gospel mandate of promoting faith, hope, and love. Our diocesan family, comprising 54 parishes and missions in five counties, is united in our mission of service to the People of God.
This year’s theme, “We, though many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf” (1 Corinthians 10:17), echoes our devotion to the Eucharist. Though we are scattered across multiple counties, vary by age, culture, and background, we are gathered by our faith in Christ and our love for the Eucharist. Throughout our nation, as one body united in Christ, we participate in the National Eucharistic Revival, as we strive to strengthen our commitment to Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, the source and summit of our Catholic faith.
Thank you again for your prayerful and financial support of the DSA. I am most grateful for you, the visible expression of the Body of Christ here in the Diocese of Palm Beach.
With every prayerful wish, I am Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach |
Please specify St. Joan of Arc
under Parish designation.
For More Information visit the
2023 DSA Information