Parish Calendar

Diocesan Services Appeal


Your gift makes it possible to continue vital programs and ministries serving those in need throughout the Diocese of Palm Beach.
Click here to read Bishop Barbarito’s letter.
Please give generously.
To make a DSA donation CLICK HERE.

I am very happy to announce that
our parish has achieved the goal of $409,000.00 set by the Diocese for this year’s Diocesan Services Appeal.
I thank all of you, our generous parish- ioners, our clergy, our parish staff, our lay leaders, and those who were instru- mental in enabling us to reach our goal. For those who have not yet made a pledge, donations are still being accept- ed. This was a wonderful undertaking in support of our Diocese of Palm Beach’s programs and offices which serve so many people in need.
May God continue to bless our Diocese’s endeavors to help the less fortunate, and each one of you!!

Yours in Christ,
Very Rev. Nestor Rodriguez, V. F. Pastor

Please specify St. Joan of Arc Church under Parish Designation. Thank you for your generosity!!